Blue Heron Nursery |


Quercus shumardii

[gallery ids="11183"] A pyramidal shaped tree, becoming more open with maturity. The bark is smooth and grayish, becoming furrowed and darker gray with age. The fall color is scarlet. It adapts to heavy soils, pH variation, heat and drought. Also known as Southern Red Oak....
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Quercus montana

A large, irregularly oval white oak that is native to the eastern U.S. The leaves are long with wavy edges, similar to chestnut leaves. It is tolerant of dry, rock and alkaline soil. The fall color is yellow to brown....
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Pinus parviflora ‘Glauca’

A broadly pyramidal tree with bluish-green to gray needles. It forms an attractive specimen as a result of the horizontal secondary branches and heavy cone production. Slow growth to 12', ultimately up to 50'. It prefers full sun....
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Pinus nigra ‘Oregon Green’

Beautiful, dark green needles are accented nicely with tall, white-ish spires of new growth in the spring that's often compared to tall, white candles. 'Oregon Green' specimens grow to have gorgeous, open branching that is perfect for use if you want your landscape with a touch of Japanese garden flair without obstructing part of your...
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