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A dense shrub with dark green foliage and fragrant pinkish-white blooms. The flowers are followed by metallic blue berries in summer. It prefers a site in full sun or part shade, in an average, well-drained soil. It grows better with reliable summer moisture. Use as a hedge, screen, or in a shrub border....
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Ulmus propinqua (‘JFS-Bieberich’) Emerald Sunshine®
Vase shaped and adapted to varied growing conditions, including arid, windy sites, this elm performs well in urban settings. The foliage remains fresh green through long summers. The leaves are heavily textured and turn yellow with some purple tints in the fall. Selected from seed collected in China by plantsman Steve Bieberich and evaluated and...
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Thuja occidentalis (‘Janed Gold’) Hightlights™
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This is an evergreen with a tight, upright pyramidal habit with bright yellow-gold foliage. The color holds well year round. This is a sport of 'Emerald Green'. It grows in full sun to part shade, in an average, well-drained soil. The best color is in full sun. Use as a specimen or accent in...
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Thuja occidentalis ‘Degroots Spire’

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A slow growing evergreen with an upright, pyramidal habit. The dark green foliage sometimes twists and layers over itself, creating an ornamental appearance. Prefers full to part sun in a moist, well-drained soil. It benefits from reliable summer moisture. It makes an excellent hedge or accent in the landscape....
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