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A dense shrub with lustrous, deep green leaves that turn a beautiful wine-red in the fall. The early summer, creamy-white flowers are followed by berries that start out white, turning to pink and then bright blue as they mature. Will produce more berries if planted near 'Brandywine'. It grows best in full sun to...
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Viburnum X burkwoodii
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An upright open shrub with lustrous dark green leaves with gray-green undersides. The semi-snowball shaped flowers are white and very fragrant. It is both heat and cold tolerant. It prefers an average, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prune after flowering if needed. Use in shrub borders, foundation planting, or an informal...
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Vaccinium ‘Northsky’

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A compact, mid-season blueberry with sky-blue berries that have a fresh, wild flavor. The fall color is red to burgundy. One of the hardiest of all blueberries, surviving to -40F. Blueberries grow best in full sun, in an acid, well-drained soil, with reliable summer moisture....
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Vaccinium ‘Northcountry’
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A heavy producing, wild tasting mid-season blueberry. The compact shrub has exceptional fall color of reds and scarlets. This variety lends itself to growing in containers. Blueberries grow best in full sun, in an acid, well-drained soil, with reliable summer moisture....
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