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A spreading mounded shrub with dark green foliage. A member of the Witchhazel family. It has tiny red blooms in the early spring. It grows best in full sun to part shade. It is insect and disease resistant and takes drought, wet soil and heat. A good alternative to boxwood, laurels, junipers, and hollies...
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Deutzia (‘NCDX2’) Yuki Cherry Blossom®
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A small rounded shrub with abundant pink flowers in the spring. Fall color is rich burgundy. A good plant for mass plantings or ground cover. It grows well in part sun to full sun with average water requirements....
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Aesculus x arnoldiana ‘Autumn Splendor’
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A very attractive ornamental hybrid. Dark green shiny leaves appear to be scorch resistant and turn a vivid maroon-red in fall. Flowers are creamy yellow 6" spikes. It prefers a well-drained soil. Introduced by the University of Minnesota....
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