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A compact shrub with deep green foliage. The new growth is scarlet red, fall color is bronze. Blooms throughout the summer with pink flowers. Use in the shrub border, for mass planting, or a low hedge....
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Koelreuteria paniculata ‘Coral Sun’

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A small tree with leaves that are a bright coral-red when they emerge in the spring. They mature to medium green in the summer, with coral colored petioles. The fall color is coral-red, orange and yellow. The summer blooms are bright yellow, followed by papery seed capsules. It is generally adaptable to tough, urban...
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Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’
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A larger Hosta with immense leathery leaves that emerge chartreuse. Color turns to gold with age and morning sun. The light lilac flower are held on 3' tall spikes in mid summer. Prefers part to full shade and moist soil. Plant in large groups or as a specimen....
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Hosta ‘Patriot’
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A compact, heat tolerant Hosta with dark green leaves with bright, wavy white edges. Blooms with lavender flower spikes in summer. It prefers full to part shade and moist soil....
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